I Love My Children!
Tds of parenting books in print, often with contradicting statements.
You are enough
And which ones do you follow?
Should you have a family bed?
Should your teen do their own laundry?
How much screen time should your child have?
What about curfew, consequences, and allowance?
The questions and answers are endless. Whose advice do you follow?
I will teach you how to listen and talk more effectively with your child. This will decrease fighting while fostering a more peaceful home environment.
I will help you to become the parent you want to be. No two families are alike. No one answer fits everyone except that we all do much better with abundant love, joy, laughter, and respect.
We will find solutions that work best for you and your family.
I have extensive training and experience working with teens and families.
My partner and I have raised two independent, healthy, loving (grown) children who still enjoy family time!
Some favorite books;
T"he Power of Resilience"- by Robert Brooks, Ph.D
"The Second Family", by Ron Taffel, Ph.D
"Queen Bees & Wanna Bees", by Rosalind Wiseman
"Raising Cain", by Dan Kindlon, Ph.D & Michael Thompson, Ph.D